How to Become a Licensed Cosmetologist

Pursuing a career in the beauty field is fun, challenging, and extremely rewarding. If you have a passion for things beauty-related, being a cosmetologist might be the right job for you. But before you start offering services, make sure you secure a license. Here’s how.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there are more than 128,000 new beauty jobs in California by the year 2020. Among the most in-demand professionals will be manicurists, barbers, estheticians, and cosmetologists.

Aside from the abundance of cosmetology jobs in California, the state has one of the highest average annual salaries in the United States at $73,240. There’s every reason to pursue a career in cosmetology.

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But first of all, you have to be licensed.

These are the steps to become a licensed cosmetologist in California:

Attend a cosmetology school.

Your entryway to becoming a licensed cosmetologist is attending a cosmetology school. Make sure to choose a school that is accredited by the Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE). The California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology (BBC) requires 1600 hours of education, 3,200 hours of apprenticeship, and 220 related training hours. Check this list of accredited cosmetology schools in California.

Look for a cosmetology school that will equip you with all the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in this industry. You want in-depth instruction in the latest hairstyling, makeup, nail care, and other beauty services.

If you are currently employed or have a busy schedule, look for a school that offers flexible classes.

A cosmetology license in California should allow you to practice the following services:

  • Hairdressing, coloring, curling, and other styling services.
  • Massage (neck, arms, scalp, face, and other parts of the upper body).
  • Cosmetic preparations (use of tonics, creams, lotions, and antiseptics)
  • Hair removal
  • Nail care
  • Facials
  • Skin car


The State of California recognizes an apprenticeship for cosmetology licensure. The California Apprenticeship Program allows a trainee to earn money while studying as long as he/she works under the direct guidance of a licensed cosmetologist.

Apprenticeship programs in California are full-time, two-year programs. 3,200 hours of training should be completed, along with supplemental classroom instruction for at least 220 hours.

Complete the Cosmetologist Examination Application.

After completing the required training and education in cosmetology, the next step is to submit your application to the BBC. There is an initial license fee of $125.

To be eligible for the licensure examination, you must be at least 17 years of age and have completed the 10th graduate or its equivalency. After submitting your application, you should wait for up to 12 weeks for the Board to process it and send you a letter regarding your exam schedule.

Complete and pass the examinations.

The BBC makes use of the examinations provided by the National Interstate Council of Board of Cosmetology’s (NIC).

The licensure examination for aspiring cosmetologists is comprised of two parts: the written and practical tests. There are a number of written testing sites in California, including San Francisco, Bakersfield, San Diego, Ventura, and Burbank. For the practical examinations, there are only two permanent testing sites: Fairfield and Glendale.

The written examination is composed of 100 test questions which you must complete in 120 minutes. The practical test lasts about 4 hours. The minimum passing score for all examinations is 75.

Upon passing both examinations, you will be issued your California cosmetology license.

Exploring Your Options in the Beauty Field

Once you become a licensed cosmetologist, you can now explore your career options. You can work in salons or as a freelance cosmetologist. You can choose to specialize in a specific service or treatment.

The BBC requires cosmetologists to renew their license biannually in odd-numbered years. This costs around $50.

While there are no continuing education requirements to keep your license, doing so can be highly beneficial for your career. The trends in the beauty field change almost instantly. You have to be updated with the latest information and skills to keep your clients happy and advance your career.


California is a great place to start a career in cosmetology. Aside from the numerous career opportunities, the average annual salary is fairly high as compared to other states.

But before you start looking for a job or perhaps putting up your own salon, you must secure a license first.

To do that, you need to pass the examination set by the California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology. But before taking the exam, you should complete 1600 of training from an accredited cosmetology school. The right school will prepare you for the exam by equipping you with the knowledge and skills you need to do well in your chosen career.

Once you’ve gotten your license, you’re ready to explore your options and land your dream job!

Good luck!

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