How to Choose the Best Beauty School for a Cosmetology or Esthetician Course

Your first step towards a successful career in the beauty field is to obtain a proper education. Choosing the best cosmetology school is crucial to equip yourself with the skills and information that will prepare you for a rewarding job in the future. Read this guide to find the best beauty school and program for you.

Search for accredited schools in your area.

Before anything else, you want to make sure that you are enrolling at an accredited beauty school. Otherwise, all your efforts and expenses will be wasted. The California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology (BBC) requires that all applicants for the cosmetology and esthetician examinations take their training and education from a school accredited by the Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE).

best beauty school

Once you have the list of approved schools in your area, you may want to consider narrowing your choices to those that are close to where you live. It may seem like a less important factor but you should also check the proximity of your preferred beauty school to where you live or work. Beauty and cosmetology programs involve intensive, hands-on classes. Being able to make it to class on time is crucial to your success. You could miss a lot of information with just a day or two of coming in late.

Luckily, most beauty schools are strategically located within communities.

Check their programs.

The beauty school you choose should offer a comprehensive program in your desired field.


The cosmetology course consists of all aspects of the beauty culture. Cosmetologists provide personal care services, such as:

  • Haircare, coloring, cutting, and styling
  • Makeup artistry
  • Nail care (manicuring, coloring, polishing, and cleansing nails)
  • Facials and skin care
  • Massage (face, neck, arms)

As you can see, cosmetology is a broad subject that covers most things beauty-related. You need to complete 1,600 hours of education to be eligible for the licensure examination. This can be completed in as little as ten months.

A great cosmetology program has more focus on technical instruction or hands-on training. It covers the fundamentals of cosmetology, such as hair cutting, coloring, and styling, makeup artistry, manicuring, and skin care.

Esthetician Course

Estheticians are professionals who specialize in skin care. They are not medical doctors but are trained and licensed to perform cosmetic skin care treatments like facials, body massage, chemical peels, body treatments, and waxing.

Most estheticians work at spas, salons, and medi-spas. They work closely with dermatologists in providing quality services to clients.

To become a licensed esthetician in California, you need 600 hours of training in all aspects of esthetics, from chemical treatments to skin treatments, hair removal, and makeup application. Some cosmetology schools offer blended programs that allow students to gain valuable experience and become licensed in reflexology, aromatherapy, and treatments for certain skin conditions or disorders.

A course in esthetics can be completed in 5 months with perfect attendance. Look for a beauty school that covers the fundamentals of skin care, such as facials, peels, masks, scrubs, waxing, disinfection, and makeup, as well as state-of-the-art skincare treatments, including micro-dermabrasion.

Evaluate the school’s background and credentials.

After exploring the curriculum, the next thing you should check is the credentials of the school.

There are many questions you should ask yourself when looking for a beauty school.

Are they accredited? Are they approved to operate in California by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE)? Do they comply with the federal regulations and provide students with Federal Disclosure Requirements and BPPE Annual Reports? What are the other accreditations and industry memberships the beauty school hold?

When evaluating a cosmetology school, follow these steps:

  • Ask your friends, relatives, or your favorite hair stylist for recommendations. At the same time, you want to go online and do your own research. Just as you check out customer reviews when shopping for products, you also want to hear stories from graduates about their experience with the school and whether they are satisfied. Furthermore, find out what happened to their graduates. Were they able to find work? Have they been successful in their careers? This shouldn’t be hard to do because schools are now required to provide “gainful employment” data which you can access through the school’s website.
  • Check their background. Find out how long they have been in business. If a beauty school has been around for 50 years, it’s most likely that they are a really good one (or else they would have not lasted for that long). Beware of promises by schools that are just starting out. You want to entrust your education (which is critical to your success in the beauty field) to an institution that has a proven track record of helping students succeed.
  • Compare their teaching methods. After checking the curriculum, you want to know in what ways they equip students with the skills and knowledge they need. Needless to say, you want a school that offers a hands-on approach to teaching. If all they do is teach lessons in a classroom setting, skip that school and find another.
  • Check their facilities. Before making the final decision, take a school tour and make sure to check their facilities. Are they fully equipped with machines, classrooms, and facilities required for effective training? During your tour, try to observe a class, talk to instructors, ask questions, and request additional information.

All these tasks might seem tedious and time-consuming but totally worth it. After all, you want a beauty school that has a solid reputation in providing quality education.

Check the background and experience of instructors.

It’s safe to assume that a highly experienced school with a solid reputation is staffed with highly qualified and experienced instructors.

Most cosmetology instructors worked as cosmetologists before obtaining advanced training and education in their field. While some instructors specialize in certain areas, such as esthetics or barbering, most of them are capable of providing a full range of cosmetology courses.

Aside from their credentials, you also want to work with instructors who are passionate about helping their students succeed. Those who are happy to share everything they know about their craft. When evaluating a beauty school, don’t forget to read information about their instructors. Check their licenses, education, certifications, experience, and background. Know how long they have been teaching and learn what graduates think of them.

Learn about their Career Support Program.

The best beauty school will continue to support you even after graduation. They must be able to equip you with the skills and confidence to start your career.

The best beauty schools in California usually have a student salon where aspiring cosmetologists and estheticians learn the latest techniques and work with actual clientele. Check with the school to know your options after obtaining your diploma or certification.

Will they be able to help you find a job? Do they have partner establishments where you have a bigger chance of getting hired?

Additionally, a beauty school should also be a business school at some point. Take note that when you start working or perhaps put up your own salon, it’s not enough that you’re skilled. You should also know how to deal with clients, manage your business, market your services, and so on.

Compare tuition costs.

You should also not forget about the cost of your education. The school should be clear and upfront about their tuition fees and other costs that students have to settle.

Attending a cosmetology school usually costs anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000. To attend a top beauty school, tuition fees may range from $10,000 to $20,000.

A low tuition fee doesn’t always guarantee a better education experience. While you can’t choose a beauty school solely for the price, you want to be sure that you are getting your money’s worth.

Check if they also offer grants or scholarships, as well as financial aids. If you’re eligible, financial aid can be extremely helpful in fulfilling your dream of becoming a professional cosmetologist or esthetician. Cosmetology Pell Grants, for example, can cover the full cost of your chosen program. Meanwhile, student loans can be used to pay for board and lodging, as well as textbooks.

Another type of financial aid that is available in accredited beauty schools is the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) which does not need to be repaid. Eligible students can be awarded $100 to $4,000 every year during their education, depending on their financial needs.


To achieve your dream of achieving a fulfilling and rewarding job in the beauty industry, your first step is to attend a cosmetology school.

To summarize, follow these steps to find the best beauty school:

  • Search for accredited schools in your area.
  • Check their programs.
  • Evaluate the school’s background and credentials.
  • Check the background and experience of instructors.
  • Learn about their Career Support Program.
  • Compare tuition costs.

Choosing a beauty school is a critical decision. As they will have a big role in shaping your future, be sure to take your time comparing schools until you find the best.

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